Back to the Basics of Simplicity

This blog has been in the making for years.  It was going to be so many different things at random moments throughout my journey and now that I’m a wife, mommy and homeowner trying to figure life out I feel like it’s the perfect time to jump into this blog world!

I really want to treat this space as a journal for myself and my family. A place to look back on in admiration.  I have always been a laid back, low maintenance person so simplicity has been woven throughout my lifestyle since as early as I can remember. I have reworn, repurposed, saved, DIYed, bargained & thrifted to my hearts content. The older I get, the more I realize what is most important to me and it isn’t more stuff! It’s my family and friends and the time I spend with them.

Growing up my parents both worked so hard to provide for our family. Being entrepreneurs and working multiple jobs at different points. They taught me all of my values about hard work, living within your means, having patience for things and being content with what you have.  They gave me and my brothers a beautiful life, and we always recognized where it all came from.  They have been great examples of what it looks like to work hard for what you want, not overspending outside of your means and having patience with the process.

One of my goals as a mom is to become more of a homesteader down the road. Since having my son I have been keenly aware of all the toxins in and around us. My son is only 22 months, but I have already learned a lot about what I choose to feed him and put on him.  And I am still learning. I have so many goals for my family that are exciting and overwhelming at the same time so I do have to remind myself to take each day as it comes and make small, important and powerful choices little by little.  The Lord Jesus will give me clarity to know what to do next so I’m trusting in Him!

Thanks for stopping by on our journey getting back to the basics.  A simple life is a happy life. Stuff is nice [ #givemeallthethings ] but it isn’t top priority in my life. It’s taken me time to get over wanting all of the things and finding joy in what I have in my life right now, but I’ve also found that when the hardest habits break the deepest joy comes.  What’s most important to me is providing a healthy, happy home for my hubby, son (& future babes) and living a ‘content with whatever I have’ kinda life. If you are eager to do the same, then I’d love for you to stick around and follow me…I love connecting with like-minded people! ❤

Be well,



Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6



4 thoughts on “Back to the Basics of Simplicity”

  1. Oh Amber that was beautiful and moved me to tears, (happy ones of course).
    You have always been my precious jewel and gift from God. Shine bright💡in Christ!
    Looking forward to your bloggong journey, & inspiref to restart mine.
    Love you xo 😘💗

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